Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Project 1 w/professor suggested corrections

As per the suggestion by the professor I used the "levels" tool to darken the text which had been greyed out a bit with the original corrections. I do like how it made the entire picture more lively by strengthening the color as well as adding more definition to the background.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Project 1: Album Cover

This is the final album cover I came up with. I changed and added a few things from my rough sketch. Made my background black and white which allowed me to place the french flag over everything. Rather than go for show I wanted to go for a more soft look for my cover this is because I feel like adding to many crazy filters would take away from the architecture of the Louvre. Either way I hope you enjoy the work I've done.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First very rough "sketch"

This is a rough "sketch" for my first project. Now that we have access to all of it will hopefully allow me to produce a more interesting finished product.

I chose to attempt to make an album cover. I went to Paris several
years ago and figured I might try to use a picture from that trip along with other elements.